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Sexual Assault


The recent investigation into the former Buffalo Bills punter has shed light onto something we have to address as society. An underage girl accused the former Buffalo Bills punter of rape at party. The impact of sexual assault on anyone is substantial. Victims of sexual assault are sometimes not only left with physical damage but mental damage as well. Many victims report feeling depressed or anxious after their attack. Some even develop PTSD, which makes it impossible to live a happy and productive life. Many victims report feelings of shame and guilt for what had happened to them, which could be dangerous for their mental state. In the instances where victims are made to believe that it was their fault, they are told that it could’ve been avoided if “they didn’t dress that way” or if they “didn’t flirt at parties”. Some victims are even told that they made up the entire story for attention. I acknowledge that there have been cases of sexual assault that, unfortunately, have been fabricated for attention or other reasons. However, this should never be used to judge the actuality of a crime. If it was murder, it is more likely that police officers would investigate before making any conclusions. Sadly, conclusions about sexual assault cases are sometimes made before any investigation. The recent case accusing the former punter of the Buffalo Bills was originally disregarded. Police officers initially believed that the story was made up by the young girl. It took for USA Today to publish a story about the absurdity of the lack of investigation and justice for the DA office to begin another review of the case. Any crime, including sexual assault, has the right to be investigated without victim-blaming or assumptions. Only after a thorough investigation, a conclusion can be made about the crime. I find it incredibly sad that in the 21st century, we are still having issues with justice being served.



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